Feng Shui is used around the world to help create and maintain a harmony between us and our environment. With this knowledge we can take full advantage of the energetic offerings around us in order to create health, success and a sense of well-being.
Feng Shui is the energetic relationship between man and his environment; the knowledge of the flow of chi within the landscape and buildings is used to enhance quality and success when siting and designing buildings. How your home is arranged affects your well-being.
The whole of the universe is linked together by energy sometimes referred to as Chi, (Prana in India, and Ki in Japan). This energy is subtler and finer than electric and magnetic energies. The Chinese often trace success or failure not to the actions of man, but to the forces of nature known as Feng Shui– literally meaning 'wind' and 'water'. These are held to be responsible for all areas of life; from relationships and health to good fortune and business.
The underlying premise is that the energy from everything in your surroundings, from the lie of the land and shape of your house to the finer details of your furnishings, interact and have a direct impact on your life. The way the subtle currents of energy flow throughout your body and your immediate environment will either enhance your aims in life or hinder them. The correct assessment of this flow and re-adjustment of various elements that are out of place with your objectives will realign the positive forces and bring you back into balance with nature.
Once you understand the energies within your environment you can manipulate them to encourage those that are helpful to you.
Some examples of what that might create for you include:
Initially you will need to fill out a questionnaire that details what areas of your life you would like to enhance. Afterwards I will visit your home and perform an analysis of the flow of energy flowing through it and give you clear advice on what changes you could make to improve stuck, or detrimental energies, and how to harness beneficial ones. This will include advice on colours, materials, furniture arrangement etc, and the most beneficial places to sit and sleep in, enabling you to create a more harmonious environment and the opportunities and benefits that bring,
Getting your environment right is crucial to well-being and success. However It is only a part of the picture. The rest of the power comes directly from you: your thinking and actions.
Coaching is a dynamic process that supports you to move towards the life that you really want.
Coaching and feng shui used together are a powerful tool. You will gain greater insight into what you need to changes; both within and without. Throughout the process you will be given the support you need to make the changes happen.
Typical coaching topics: Relationships,
Career progression or change,
Work-life balance
Initially we work together to understand any difficulties you have been facing and work out what your goals truly are. We can then hold a feng shui consultation to determine how you can align your home to these goals. After this process regular coaching sessions help you determine the action steps you need to take to reach your goals, addressing any sticking points that crop up along the way. I will be there to encourage and support you throughout your journey.
Fees are dependent upon the size of the home and the coaching package that you may wish to include. Please contact me for further detail for visit re-orientfengshui.co.uk
Fullstop Therapy
39 Weatherbury Road, Gillingham, SP8 4FE, United Kingdom
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