I offer a variety of services from integrative counselling to EMDR therapy. I am here to listen to you and support you in a friendly, safe, non-confrontational and non-judgemental space. All services are offered on a discrete and strictly confidential basis, so you can be assured that you are in safe hands.
I am not here to tell you what to do or to advise you. I am here to listen to you, without judgment or agenda and help you explore any difficulties you are having. I will endeavour to help you as you talk about what is on your mind; counselling may help uncover root causes of difficulties or identify particular patterns of thoughts or behaviour that aren't helpful to you. I can encourage you to make positive changes; perhaps seeing a different perspective, altering unhealthy belief systems, creating new behaviours or adopting healthier coping strategies. When we work together I may use different modalities of counselling such as CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) , NLP ( neurolinguistic programming), psychodynamic, humanistic or EMDR (eye movement, desensitisation and reprogramming, which is used for trauma and phobias); depending on what you need and what you find most helpful. This is a dynamic and organic process decided between us.
I see people online, and by phone as well as in person.
Sessions usually take place on a weekly basis, but I trust you to know what will be right for you. and we can talk about what will work best for your needs.
All sessions are strictly confidential so that you can feel assured you are safe to talk about whatever you need to.
Ways counselling can help:
See Your Thoughts from a Different Perspective
Cathartic Experience
Time Set Aside to Confront Feelings
Feel Less Alone With Your Problems
Find it Easier to Cope in Everyday Life
Share the Burden of Your Emotions
Greater Degree of Self-Awareness
Learn coping strategies for stress/anxiety
Although a degree of anxiety at certain times in our lives is normal, a heightened or persistent level of anxiety is not normal or healthy. Burn-out, severe pressure at work or home, poor sleep a/or diet , low self-esteem & trauma can all create distressing and unmanageable levels of anxiety. Diagnosis such as PTSD and generalised anxiety disorder can result.
Various counselling methods can be useful and we can discuss what might suit you best.
Stress is useful when we need extra motivation, thinking power or physical energy, but when it is too high or present for too long it changes the way it affects us and becomes detriment to our well-being. Various hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol take over and can wreak havoc with our bodies and minds. Looking at the causes of the stress, what can be released and developing coping strategies can be enormously helpful.
Relationships touch on the very core of our being. They are a reflection of how we truly relate to ourselves and this is seen in how we re with othres- whether that is a close, romantic partnership, one with our family or friends or work colleagues and even neighbours. How we think about them and behave with them gives us insights into what we think and expect of ourselves. A loving nurturing relationship with another reflects our own ability to nourish and be kind to ourselves. Difficulties can be explored so the you can begin to change old, unhelpful patterns.
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Many of us will have moments of doubt, but if doubts and negative thoughts plague you much of the time you could be suffering from low self-esteem. Often developed through an under-nurturing upbringing or diminished through an abusive relationship, it can take time and support to build these belief systems about self back up to where they belong.
If you want to explore or deepen your sense of connectedness and spirituality I will be glad to support you on your journey. I believe we are all connected in many ways and this sense of a greater wholeness can bring us fulfilment and joy. It can also be doubted and tested in many ways throughout our lives; sometimes ultimately leading to a greater understanding and deepening of what it is to be human.
These are not the only reasons that so many people seek counselling and support. I am happy to provide a safe and confidential space as you talk about whatever is on your mind or troubling you and help you find some resolution.
Please contact me for a free no-obligation initial chat to see how I can help you, or to book up a session.
Fullstop Therapy
39 Weatherbury Road, Gillingham, SP8 4FE, United Kingdom
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